Since 2007 I have been directing a series of participatory large group compositions/performances, examining the inter-relations between people, sound and space. The pieces are site specific; developed and performed in a single day, evolving collaboratively and inviting participation from the public. These compositions offer artistic engagement, play, and creative exchange, as a means to learning and bringing together, presenting a democratic, egalitarian space & collective ownership: L'esprit d’escalier – for voices in a staircase, Toy Orchestra – for children & adults,
Room to Breathe - for balloons & music, Long Drone – for various instruments, Gals with Guitars – for women guitar players, Sound Out – for (M)any voices in a public space and Feel the Noise for a large ensemble of electric guitars and micro amps.

SOUND OUT (with bells) - A collaborative, site responsive composition for voices & bells Performed @ the Tin Tabernacle, Kilburn, London, as part of PAPRIKA Collective's Take a Walk on Kilburn High Road 2023.
Performers - Sharon Gal with Susan Sentler, Linda Sheard, Benjamin Sheard, Iris Colomb, Helen Davison, Ash McNaughton, Felix Macintosh, Joanne Morrison, Steve Russell, Karina Townsend, Anne Robinson, Suke Driver, Andrew Page, Bo Hobbs, Emilie Newman, Georgina Brett, Gardyloo Spew
FEEL the NOISE 2018

Camera : Pierre bouvier patron
Feel the Noise - 28th of April 2018 @ Goldsmith's Large Hall London.
A spatial and immersive performance for a large ensemble of electric guitars & micro amps.
It is a living and evolving sound sculpture, introducing an inclusive and egalitarian approach to composition and performance through collaborative sound-making.
Performers: Yoshiki Ichihara , Mike Whyte, Donna Matthews, Rick Jensen, Christopher Bailey, Felix Macintosh, Suke Driver, Sam Enthoven, Victoria Major, Guy Harries ,Tarik Haskic, Dee R Fry, Jamie Turner, Jacqueline Grant, John McGrath, Shereen Elizabeth, Paul Reynolds, Geraint Warren, David Little, Alexandra McGlynn, Aurelia McGlynn-Richon, Edoardo Biscossi, Tom Richardson, Grahame Painting, Lisa McKendrick, Curt Parr, Klaemint Hofgaard , Steve Beresford, Ged Flood, Laura Sampson, Gryphon Rower-Upjohn, David Webb
Produced in collaboration with Unpredictable Series: Blanca Regina, Steve Beresford, Pierre Bouvier Patron, Alessandro Vangi and Tomi Osuna. Supported by the Fringe and Underground Music Group at Goldsmiths University and Sound and Music.

Gals with Guitars - Performance to Camera @ V22 Louise House. London August 2016
With: Jacqueline ford, Mandi Goodier, Jacqueline Grant, Ellen M Harris, Lisa Lavery, Phoenix Martins, Sophie McGrath
Camera: Emma Vickers Video: Sharon Gal
- Elevator Gallery 2011 Gals with Guitars
A collaborative, large group composition & live performance for electric guitars. The piece invited participation from female players with / without previous experience of guitar playing, and developed by exploring sound, patterns, traditional & extended techniques.
With: Andie Brown, Sophie Cooper,Sharon Gal, Frances Morgan, Estelle baylis, Rebecca Bogue, Luciana Bass, Suke Driver, Jacqueline Grant, Ellen McGee, Aurelia McGlynn-Richon, Emily Seabroke, Clair Urbahn, Suzie Zabrowska. Camera - Lu Lyndon.
Gals with (acoustic) Guitars. 2012
Goldsmiths Council Chamber, Deptford Town Hall. April 2012. Supported by the Goldsmith Annual Fund.
With Sophie Cooper, Estelle Baylis , Rebecca Bogue, Jacqueline Grant, Kelly-Jayne Jones, Sharon Gal, Liepa Kuraite, Jasmin Taylor, Clair Urbahn.
Camera - Lu Lyndon
SOUND OUT participatory performance for a large group of voices (2015) @ The Victoria & Albert Museum
With Nour Abuhamdan, Deepak Batta , Calum Bowden, Georgina Bowden, Vera Bremerton, Karen Greene, Jim Hill , Emma Houston, Peter Hudson, Audrey Joseph, Una Lee, Angela Legg, Laurent Leniere, Nicky Martin, Megan Owens, Andrew Page, Grace Radford, Martin Reading, Daria Savossina, Natasha Trotman, Mark Wagner, Clifton Wright
SOUND OUT durational performance for (M)any voices. What Happens to Us exhibition, December 2016. Wimbledon Space
With: Gabriella Biazotti, Mark Wagner, Megan Owen, Laura Roig Guarch, Sarah Kent, Deepak Batta, Donna Matthews, Nadia Eldeghidi, Yolanda de los bueis, Brendan O'Connor, Conny Prantera, Anastasia Freygang, Luise Stevckart

Images by Ben McDonnell
L'esprit d'escalier - A collaborative performance for voices in a staircase
7th May 2011. Deptford Town Hall, New Cross, London
Sharon Gal with Sophia Efthimiou, Rory Allen, Kate Mahony, Guy Harries, Giulia Messana-Loi, Adam Fenton, Elisabetta Ferrero, Carrol V. Wilson , Daniella Valz Gen, candace Hilton, Janneke van der Putten, Zelda Moehring.
20th January 2013. Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol
Sharon Gal with Rachel Bedford, Rachel Clark, Alberto Dominguez, Leona Jones, Kane Moor, Lindsey Shaw-Miller. Camera - Rhiannon Chaloner
L'esprit d'escalier 23.2.2010. The Old Town Hall, Tel Aviv
LONG DRONE, a participatory durational composition & performance. 3rd of July 2010 as part of Venus Rising @ the Magnificent Basement Gallery, London.
The event was curated by Sharon Gal in collaboration with ALISN. It also included a film programme and solo performances.
With participation from Chas De Swiet -- Violin, Ivor Kalin -- violin, Frances Morgan -- violin, Ali Warner --Voice, Agnes Hay - voice, Portia Winters -- Voice, Carmel Morrissey -- voice, Sharon Gal -- Voice /keyboard, John Mackenzie - Voice, Udit Duseja - Voice, Amy Corcoran -- guitar, Richard Young -- bass, David O'connor -- sax, Sofie Cooper -- Trombone, Chris Cook - Sitar, Chantal Riekel - Flute, Gary Jeff -- Bowed objects, Grahame Painting - Cello, Paul Shearsmith - Baliphone , Moshi Honen - Stylophone, Tim Flitcroft -- Ukulele /electronics, Maria Jose Sousa -- Harmonica & Djembe, Dominic Simpson - shaker. Filmed by Serena Andreini
LONG DRONE (2010) - Resonance FM's Gone with the Wind sound exhibition @ Raven Row Gallery, London.
Durational, spatial performance for acoustic instruments, bells and voices. Camera - Dana Gior
With: Giulia Loi - Voice, Ali Warner - Voice / bells, Bernard Burns Voice / bells, Guy Harries - Voice / flute/ bells, Alison Blunt - Violin, Ivor Kallin - Violin, Noura Sanatian - Violin, Grahame Painting -- Cello, Luca Nasciuti - Cello, Andie Brown - Dbl bass, Dave Tucker - Dbl Bass, Mao Yamada -
Dbl Bass, Graham MacKeachan- Dbl Bass, Sophie Cooper- Trombone, Paul Shearsmith - Trombone, Richard Sanderson - Russian button accordion, Jamil Samad - Harmonium
Toy Orchestra explores collective music making in a fun, playful environment. Using toys, we investigate various possibilities of sound creation, combining simple instructions to develop a collective composition. The Happening, a site-specific, performance & sound event was curated by Sharon Gal in September 2007.
The 4 days programme included live improvised music, recordings, sound sculptures, poetry, artists interventions, group compositions and audience participation. It took place in the five rooms of the basement @ V22 Gallery, Dalston, London.
Room to Breathe (FINALE) -
Participatory durational performance 4th of July 2009 In collaboration with ALISN.